Prisma Shaded Relief


Grayscale shading based on Prisma artistic filtering


Created by Tom Patterson (2019) from 1km SRTM Plus elevation data using the following steps:

  1. SRTM generalization in Pyramid Shader.
  2. Shaded relief rendering in NSD Pro with multiple light sources.
  3. Artistic filtering of 24 relief tiles with Prisma app on mobile phone.
  4. Stitching together Prisma relief tiles in Adobe Photoshop
  5. Georeferencing mosaicked relief in Photoshop with Geographic Imager.

Grayscale shaded relief of land areas only. The relief fits the 50 million-scale Natural Earth coastline, drainages, and spot elevations. A flat gray tint fills water areas. File size: 16,200 x 8,100 pixels.

Version History

The master changelog is available on Github »

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