Dedicated Natural Earth importer in ShareMap

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    ShareMap creative commons mapping tool now has new Natural Earth importer.

    Details can be found in this movie:

    With ShareMap you can now freely examine NE data.

    NE Importer is still in development some if you have any comments and feature request please let me know.

    I hope that this information will be useful for someone – waiting for feedback



    Super cool, thanks for sharing!



    Thanks for comment Nathaniel,

    from technical point of view ShareMap is executing query on Natural Earth data imported to PostGIS database. Currently queries are limited to bounds and importance but in future we will try to extend them

    If anyone will need in future database dump of this PostGIS DB I will be happy to provide it (for me conversion SHP file to DB took some time)



    @jkan997: The new 2.0.0 rc2 version of Natural Earth should be much easier to import into PostGIS. Let me know your experience:

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